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Case Studies

We take client confidentiality seriously. Although we cannot share all of our projects due to NDA agreements, here are a few case studies to get an idea of our capabilities.

Conductivity Sensor

Challenge: Custom Conductivity and Temperature Sensor Circuit Card that optimized cost.

Action: Circuit card based on Analog Devices low power analog ARM microcontroller. Deliverables included:

  • System Architecture and requirement gathering

  • Proof of Concept prototype

  • Vendor management

  • Optimized low-noise analog circuit

  • Custom firmware in C

  • System verification testing

Results: Levels Successfully validated the design to be equivalent to the current sensing board while cutting 33% of the cost. The design will be incorporated into the next revision of their system.

Lithium Ion Smart Battery Charger Design and Verification

Challenge: A mission-critical system required a battery backup system to ensure the safety of the users.

ActionPrototyped using evaluation kits then transferred the design to custom printed circuit card. Designed an automated test system using Python and OTS Tools. Deliverables included:

  • System Architecture and requirement gathering

  • Proof of concept using evaluation kits

  • Schematic capture and layout using Altium

  • Vendor management for quick turn manufacturing

  • Automated test systems for battery life tests

  • Python Programming

  • Custom wire harnessing

  • Automation of test equipment

Results: Levels Successfully designed battery charging system through two iterations of the design. The design was validated using an automated test system.

Sports Therapy

Challenge: FDA notified the customer to make the product QSR compliant or remove the product from sales.

ActionRemediation of the design with changes to meet IEC60601 standards. Deliverables included:

  • Requirements documentation

  • Hazard analysis with controls

  • Schematic capture

  • Detailed design documentation including creepage and clearance


  • Design changes to pass IEC60601

  • Design History File (DHF) management in accordance with FDA QSR


Results: Levels successfully created design changes and technical documents to demonstrated the product is safe to use for sports therapy. The product continues to be a top-selling product in sports therapy.


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